A Coming Attraction

Book No. 6 of my Bell Mountain series, The Palace, has been sent to the printer and should be finished in a week or two.

Reminder: You can pre-order the book from The Chalcedon Foundation, by phoning them at 209-736-4365209-736-4365 and speaking to Jill at “Orders”. You can all pre-order the book at Chalcedon Store Site.

To help launch the book, I will be a guest on Tim Wildmon’s American Family Assn. online TV show, tentatively scheduled for Monday, March 24. Don’t miss it! If the book becomes a best-seller, I can hire someone with a really good voice to speak for me from now on.

The Palace features the usual mix of adventure, wonder, war and treachery, redemption, and overall excitement: believe me, you don’t want to miss the Battle of the Brickbats.

I’ll have more details for you as I get them. Stay tuned.

2 comments on “A Coming Attraction

  1. I don’t like brick-bats! They are always aimed at ones head and make ones mind fuzzy. However, I’ll ignor that and order your book. Maybe I’ll be the first! Most of the time I’m not. However, I’ve now stopped toddling and started tottering. We both end up in the same place but with different goals. How much did you say that will be???

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