Hollywood Snipes at ‘American Sniper’

While the rest of Hollywood’s product struggles to break even, Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper broke records at the box office.

Why else would people who have made literally thousands of war movies be so averse to this particular war movie? ( http://www.examiner.com/articles/hollywood-firestorm-against-american-sniper-shows-disconnect-with-filmgoers ) Well, to speak of the Hollywood Left is to use a tautology. Of course it makes them mad to see an American soldier killing the enemy–and a Muslim enemy, which makes it so much worse. Because Islam hates Christianity, Hollywood cherishes Islam. If you turned this film around and called it Freedom Fighter, and made it about a Muslim sniper picking off American troops, the same fleas and ticks who are complaining about it today would  be praising it to high heaven tomorrow.

Have compassion for me, O readers–because I’m beginning to understand how these people think. For instance:

“Like, y’know, war is bad, y’know. And Islam is the religion of peace, man. So, like, why don’t us and the Muslims, y’know, like get together, and, like, y’know, maybe find out what kind of music we both like. And then we could have, y’know, like a free concert, man, or maybe a benefit concert, and, like, donate all the money to the fight against Climate Change–because that’s like, y’know, the real enemy! That, and Homophobia…”

Meanwhile their adored Muslims are pitching their adored gay men off the tops of high buildings in Syria. But for these people, the “narrative” is everything and truth does not exist.

Don’t get me wrong. I grew up on movies in which the sniper was always some evil German hiding in a church steeple. Of course we Americans always had snipers, too. But you never saw them in those old movies, and anyhow they didn’t call them snipers. “Sharpshooters” sounded ever so much nicer.

But for Hollywood to zero in on this movie… well, that’s hypocrisy. Big-time.

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