Sodomite Imitation Marriage, Abortion, and Hellfire

Yesterday was the most shameful day in U.S. history, and America will never live it down.

This Supreme Court ruling has already been compared to Roe v. Wade, the ruling that “legalized” abortion without any laws being passed, and which has been wrangled over since the 1970s. But there are some important differences.

*No doctor has ever been forced to perform an abortion; but justices of the peace–and eventually churches–are going to be forced to perform these satanic parodies of marriage.

*No ordinary person who is not a physician has ever been forced to assist in an abortion, in any way; but already small business owners have been persecuted and destroyed by the government for declining to take an active part in one of these sham “weddings.”

*Abortion did not require a radical makeover of our society, to be made to stick; but mock marriage will not endure unless its proponents can successfully criminalize Christianity, subvert and disable the church, and make mincemeat of our First Amendment.

All three of the above have already come to pass in Canada. It was easier there, because Canada doesn’t have a First Amendment. But no one can say America’s homofascists are afraid of hard work!

The hysterical celebrations by America’s rulers yesterday will also go down in history. The nadir, of course, was their ordering all the monuments in Washington lit up with rainbow floodlights–the rainbow, remember, was originally a sign from God–to celebrate active defiance of the word of God. But these antichrists specializes in taking God’s name in vain.

Every one of those persons who celebrated has put his or her soul in danger of damnation. This is open rebellion against God; it will not stand, nor will it prosper.

Who is on the Lord’s side?

If you are, you’d better let Him know it.

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