Less Than 1,000 to Go!

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G’day! Byron the Quokka here–and hey, hey, if you want to win an official Extra Large bright red Quokka T-shirt, the time is growing short!

Those are my friends Henry and Amelia in the background, trying to rein in their excitement. You should see them when the camera’s off!

Well, we’re shooting for 100,000 views on the year, and now we’ve got 99,136. So we’re almost there!

Now, there’s no way we can tell exactly who made the 100,000th view; so the winner will be whoever posts a comment closest to the 100,000th view. Like, if the counter says 100,034 views, the comment that comes closest to that will be judged the winner.

And now my Avira umbrella has suddenly closed, so I’d better get out of here!

6 comments on “Less Than 1,000 to Go!

  1. I’m excited with you, Henry, & Amelia!! Let’s see, if 300 views a day are the average, then in three of four days we should have a winner. Byron, my wife is really wanting that T-shirt. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

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