Gay-Worship Strikes Again!

When my wife wound up in the hospital, along with three other drivers, because of some idiot who rammed into her car while yakking on his cell phone–totally destroying the car, even bending the chassis–his penalty was $150.00.

When a New York City cab driver recently told a pair of lesbians to stop making out in the back seat of his cab, and they walked off without paying the fare, for this heinous crime of “discrimination,” a court has fined the cabbie $15,000 ( )–a whopping 100 times the penalty incurred for damn near killing four other people.

Does that mean the “feelings” of two lesbians, if they had brought in one more dollar, would have  outweighed the very lives of 400 regular people? Do the math!

The news article didn’t say, but I am sure the cabbie is a Muslim. Leastways, I never heard of anybody named Mohammad who wasn’t a Muslim.

This is phenomenal. While this is done to Christians all the time, I can’t think of another example of them doing it to a Muslim.

We have actually entered a phase in our country’s history in which the civil government, at every level, rewards evil and punishes good. Everyone is to be compelled to bow down before the idol of Gay supremacy.

Why do we accept this?

It is said that Henry VIII became so corrupt, so swollen with disease and moral  baseness, such a slave to sin, that his corpse literally exploded before they could bury him.

What kind of bang will America make?

One comment on “Gay-Worship Strikes Again!”

  1. Wow, every day, I hear more and more outrageous reports. The explosion (or implosion) of America will be …there are no words to describe that.
    As it has been said, if Sodom and Gomorrah could witness the events in our country, they would be shocked. It seems that is true. It makes the stomach turn. No wonder the whole society is in such turmoil.

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