Video Treat: Animals and iPads

Cats, dogs, monkeys, a cockatiel–even a lizard, and even a frog–all get their jollies here, playing with their humans’ iPads. Actually, I think that poor lizard has been imposed upon; I hope his daddy or mommy gave him a nice treat, after his strenuous efforts on the iPad.

Yes, we’ve come a long way since my iguana used to try to eat the pictures of strawberries or tomatoes on the bottom of his dish.

3 comments on “Video Treat: Animals and iPads

  1. The cats and dogs were doing what they love to do – chase things 🙂 The monkey seemed to almost know what he was doing. I felt sorry for the lizard and the frog – they thought they were going to have a snack.

    Thanks, Lee. Nice break from the world.

    1. The frog reminds me of the grey tree frogs I had as pets. One of them would perch on your finger, just like a parakeet, and snap up mealworms offered by the other hand. Those frogs tamed up just about instantly, but my roommates didn’t like the frog chorus all through the night, so I released them back into the wild. The frogs, not the roommates. I should’ve kept the frogs.

    2. I tend to agree with you – about the roommates. Many times in life, I’ve found animals to be preferable.

      You’ve had some interesting pets!

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