Our Post-9/11 Secular Humanist Paradise

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Check out this link: a pair of drug-using lost souls conk out from heroin at a traffic stop in East Liverpool, Ohio–with their four-year-old son stuck helplessly in the back seat of their car ( http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37320535 ). It tells you all you need to know about the way our country, and the whole fallen world, is headed.

Yeah, well, happily we’ve got all sorts of socialist safety-nets to soften the consequences of pissing your life into a fan. So you can keep on doing it.

On this day 15 years ago our country was attacked on her own soil, for the first time since the War of 1812, by a barbaric enemy that doesn’t even have a state to call its own. Unless you’re counting ISIS.

Since then, the Christ-rejecting rulers of the Western world have learned nothing. Not a thing. Oh, they try every trick they know of, to appease this ruthless enemy. “Embrace Islam,” the head honcho of France counsels his people. Sort of like the way Germany’s doing it. Sort of like the way our own country’s leaders want to do it. And in the meantime, do everything in their power to alienate their nations from their God.

Yes, we had drug addicts before 9/11. We have more of them now. Our rulers think they can solve the world’s problems by erasing national borders and wiping out morality. Their own voters have encouraged them to think so. “Just give us more power! Just pay us higher taxes! You’ll see–it’ll work out just fine!”

No. It won’t.

A nation that is not a nation under God is a nation going under.

2 comments on “Our Post-9/11 Secular Humanist Paradise

  1. Reblogged this on necltr and commented:
    How grateful for our blessings can a people be if they don’t recognize the donor. Somebody opened the spiritual screen door of our house and is keeping it open.

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