Beware ‘the Narrative’

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Herodotus admired the Persians because they taught their sons two things: to shoot straight, and to tell the truth.

He would not have admired today’s journalists and teachers–nouns that ought to have quotation marks around them, they’re abused so badly.

In both professions (again I resist the urge to add quotation marks), telling the truth has been replaced by something called “the narrative.” The narrative is an overarching story intended to demonstrate or justify the teller’s own opinion, from which some details are shaved off, and others borrowed from elsewhere and glued on, to make them fit the narrative.

Examples of this are mind-numbingly numerous, truly an embarrassment of  poverty. But just to name one, a really big one, perpetrated by New York Times “reporter” Walter Duranty: Josef Stalin and the Communist Party are building a true workers’ paradise in Russia, and eventually the whole world will see how great it is. To make this narrative convincing, Duranty, in his regular reports, left out little details like the purges, the concentration camps, the man-made famine in the Ukraine, the murders–and wound up winning a Pulitzer Prize for his collection of unconscionable lies.

Our nooze media, our schools, and our colleges are packed to bursting with equally untrue narratives, all of them aimed at convincing people that liberalism is a great good and really, truly works wonders, when given half a chance.

So anytime you see or hear a noozie or a teacher or a prof use that term, “the narrative,” you can be 99.99% sure they’re gassing you.

2 comments on “Beware ‘the Narrative’

  1. The Information Age has made it easier to publish lies, but it has also made it easier to expose them. I think that these matters are being pushed to the extreme these days. Most “news” makes me ill just to listen to beause it is so obviously slanted.

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