Reach for the Barf Bag

Image result for barbara boxer

After ten years in the House of Representatives and 24 in the Senate, California’s Barbara Boxer is retiring.

Don’t let the door hit you in the tuchas on the way out.

I don’t know which is more appalling–Boxer calling politics a “noble profession,” or The Los Angeles Times’ sycophantic puff piece on how great she’s been ( ).

But if “noble” means enlarging the government at every opportunity, voting for Obamacare, voting for public funding for abortion, and voting to confirm the appointments of every left-wing tin-pot Democrats could find to head up bureaucracies, sit on federal courts, and make a mess of our republic–well, gee, Washington D.C. is chock-full of noble people.

We have gone from elected officials as public servants to lifelong politicians as our masters, thanks in large part to careerists like Boxer. Their arrogance takes one’s breath away: remember then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (thank you so much, California!) saying, of Obamacare, “You have to pass it to find out what’s in it”?

These–ahem!–leaders are God’s chastisement of our nation for our sins. May He now call us back to our senses: and this time, may we listen!

There are a lot of Boxer types to get rid of, before our country can be right again.

2 comments on “Reach for the Barf Bag

  1. You said a mouthfull about those losers. I agree, God’s judgement is the only explanation for such sorry “leaders” (usurpers) holding office for so

  2. Sounds like the same kind of garbage they said about (Princess) Pat Schroeder, when she decided to quit cursing Colorado by representing us in congress and resume cursing Colorado by coming back to live. She was famed for her shrill behavior and her hostility to the military is thought to have played a role in the closure of Lowry AFB. The super liberals in Boulder thought that she walked on water and she obviously had enough voters in her congressional district (basically Denver proper) to stay in office but the rest of us couldn’t stand her. I only lived in her district for a few months, so she was not really my representative most of the time, but she gave all Coloradans a bad name, IMO.

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