More Hollywood, More B.S.

Image result for empty bucket

Empty buckets make the most noise.

If Hollywood liberals–I admit it’s a tautology–didn’t have a double standard, they’d have no standards at all.

At this year’s Golden Globes wing-ding, a bunch of Hollywood amoebas got together to talk about how great they are, and along the way, Meryl Streep gave the inevitable Down With Donald Trump speech ( ) in which she accused the president-elect of “mocking” a disabled “reporter” who supposedly proved we never saw what we saw on September 11, 2001, in regard to Muslims celebrating the atrocity by dancing in the streets. Nope, never happened: you ordrinary dum peple only thoughted you seen it. Streep called Trump a “bully.” Ooooooh! Like, touche!

Where were these Hollywood jidrools when President *Batteries Not Included, who throws like a girl, mocked the Special Olympics?

Where were they when Democrats mocked Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott, who won anyhow, for being disabled and confined to a wheelchair? It was open season on him for months!

And as for “bullying”–well, what else would you call it when libs unleash the whole dreadful power of the government on a defenseless Christian baker because he declined to take part in a homosexual parody of marriage?

Nor have they had much to say about the BLM thugs in Chicago who abducted, beat, and tortured a partially disabled young white man and posted it on the social media for everyone to see.

Because people watch their stupid movies, these dung beetles think we care about what they say. Actually, we don’t.

4 comments on “More Hollywood, More B.S.

  1. “Because people watch their stupid movies, these dung beetles think we care about what they say. Actually, we don’t.”


    People complain about TV news, but they still watch it. I am living proof that one can eschew TV news, yet continue to lead a normal and productive life. I choose the word eschew, because it implies volition. I don’t neglect to watch TV news, I deliberately avoid it. Likewise for ALL broadcast television. I haven’t watched television most of my life and I never intend to watch it again, unless I’m in a social situation that demands it.

    The same could be said for movies. I do watch movies on DVD/BluRay, but I am selective, to say the least. I don’t need the opinions of these people and I’m not about to model my life on their values. I’m finding that entertainment is becoming ever more ungodly and, thereby, less appealing to me.

    Interestingly, there are Christian themed movies doing quite well in the marketplace and scientific documentaries, which are made from the perspective of Intelligent Design. I find the latter to be particularly enjoyable. There is no religious message, but the fact that they acknowledge a source of intelligence in the creation of the Universe and of life itself is very inspiring. While the politically correct crowd will never admit it, there are some very educated people out there that believe in a Maker.

    So who cares what a bunch of actors think?

  2. And they think we are “uneducated, uninformed deplorables, living in fly-over country?” They could be a little surprised to know how very little regard we, the so described have for their opinions, “I thinks”, etc. The silly twits are pathetic. That goes for actors of all stripes. They try so hard to believe and deceive others to believe there is no God; I almost feel sorry for them, but on the other hand, Romans chapter one assures us they will be without excuse. That leaves us free to concern ourselves with the salvation of those whom the Almighty has chosen for His kingdom.

    1. Fame, itself, seems to be a drug of sorts. Certain professions rely on fame, movie acting, national caliber musicians, news reporters, TV personalities, etc. However, famous does not mean important. Johnny Carson was famous, but in the final analysis, quite unimportant. As much as he was enjoyable to watch and very entertaining, he was not particularly important. He retired from the Tonight Show, and lived in almost total obscurity thereafter.

      Fame is a tool, a way of publicizing oneself to increase the number of customers (viewers). Somehow, in the mind of many persons, fame has become synonymous with importance, which is a ridiculous proposition. I may really like how a particular musician plays their instrument, but that doesn’t mean that I share their political viewpoints nor would I care to adopt their values. Mass media has presented us with a situation that our ethics and values have not yet to caught up.

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