How Do Flies Live Through Winter?

Image result for images of housefly in winter

Hi, Mr. Nature here, to shed a little light on something that may have perplexed you. I know it’s often puzzled me.

It’s winter, one freezing cold day after another–and then an unseasonably warm day comes along, and before you know it, there are houseflies buzzing around outside. How can that be? Where do they come from? ( )

Most flies have a lifespan measured in days, seven to ten. So the fly you see in February hasn’t been hiding out since Thanksgiving. But they do lay eggs before they die, and some of these eggs can hatch in the winter, if given the chance. And fly larvae may emerge from cocoons. Thing is, there are so freakin’ many flies, and they lay so freakin’ many eggs, that a few of them are bound to survive no matter how long and harsh the winter is.

Chances are that the adult flies you see outside on a warm day in January or February have been… well, hanging out somewhere in your house. Your home is heated, and insects who can get in have a decent chance of making it through a cold snap. And they do get in! Even if it’s just a tiny gap in your aluminum siding, to a bug it’s shelter from the cold.

I have to keep reminding myself that God would not have created flies if they didn’t somehow serve His purpose. In this case it’s kind of hard to know His purpose; but whatever that purpose may be, you can be sure He hasn’t forgotten it.

20 comments on “How Do Flies Live Through Winter?

  1. I wonder what controls the incubation time of the eggs. Are they triggered to hatch by warm temperatures?

    I’m fortunate in that I have lived most of my life in places where houseflies are not much of a problem, nor are mosquitoes. Growing up in a northern-tier state, mosquitoes were an incredible nuisance. I harbored serious misgivings about their place in nature back then; back when summer meant lots of mosquito bites.

    There used to be no mosquitos in this area, then, it is said, the geniuses over at the U of A inadvertently released some and now we have mosquitoes, but thankfully not too many.

    1. A couple of years ago we had a plague of imported Japanese mosquitoes; but it seems, happily, that the New Jersey winters were too much for them.

  2. Flies are yummy fare for spiders 🙂 So are lots of other pesky bugs. And at least spiders are entertaining and awe-inspiring. Ever watch one spinning a web? Incredible!

    1. It may we’ll be that in the original purposes of Jehovah, the insects that are now considered pests would have gone about their business without bothering humans or harming other creatures in any way. Flies, and some other insects, come in quite handy in cleaning up certain messes.

      Mosquitoes are parasites and I don’t think they were likely to have been part of the original plan of creation, but that’s merely a personal opinion.

      One hint into life under God’s blessing, comes from the fact that the Israelites wandered for 40 years without wearning out their clothing. On the surface, this might seem simple, but it reveals much about the blessing of Jehovah. It would be easy to suggest that somehow, God exempted the Israelites from entropy for those forty years, but entropy is part of almost everything we do, including digestion and even walking.

      So, apparently, God’s blessing can be very selective, allowing us to prosper, while still keeping intact the laws which allow physical creation to function as designed. To put a finer point on matters, a life experienced under God’s full blessing would be able retain the challenge that we need without the frustration that we experience in the fallen world.

    2. I almost forgot the most important part, Proverbs 10:22

      It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it.

      Imma a very driven man, never satisfied with my accomplishments and always wanting to earn more, play the guitar with greater skill, be more physically fit, etc. but even I realize that it’s all futile, because what is truly lacking in my life can only be fulfilled in the restitution of all things under God’s Kingdom.

      In that day, I just might be able to catch up to Chet Atkins 🙂 and all will have financial security, so the rat race of ever greater earnings will be but a dim (and unpleasant) memory. Best of all, we’ll enjoy true health and fitness, without having to exercise to exhaustion and live on a starvation diet just to fit in our garments.

      Maybe then I’ll be able fit back into those 30″ waistband pants I wore in high school, liberating the truly skinny person that lives deep within me. 🙂

    3. Like it or not, I’m afraid we have to grant that God created mosquitoes: “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3).

      Satan can create nothing; he can only corrupt something that’s already there.

      When God regenerates His whole creation, flies and mosquitoes will still be there, but they won’t be pests anymore. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain…

  3. I believe there were no flies, mosquitoes, rats or cockroaches in Eden. Perhaps the serpent brought them with him? Funny thing, I too gave this subject much thought and am still “perplexed.” Except for flies – seeing them on obama’s face gave them a raison d’etre.

    1. Marlene,
      Insects like roaches, mosquitos are a design of Sheol. Hell. The pit. The worms shall cover thee, Lucifer…they spread out to meet thee.

    2. I’m not asking to be contrary or combative, but can you elaborate on where to find this scripturally? I just want to be able to share if it comes up.

    3. i remember being taught something similar zs a boy. God didnt create a world meant to be frustrating and full of pests. I don’t claim to know what Satan’s capabilties are, with regard to all of this, but he can obviously do mush to disrupt God’s love!y creation.

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