God’s Stuff: Spring Peepers

Hi, Mr. Nature here–with spring peepers.

These tiny little frogs–I just love them!–are the first frogs to come out of hibernation in the winter, and in some places they come out hundreds at a time, and if you’re anywhere nearby, you’ll hear them peeping for all they’re worth to attract mates.

Next, but not just yet, will be the wood frogs; but for the time being, any un-frozen bodies of water belong to the peepers. It’s only mid-February, but my editor in Virginia tells me the peepers in her neighborhood are already tuning up and will soon be in full concert mode.

I love the four seasons God has given us, with their characteristic sights and sounds: a living world, life everywhere you look. And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:31)

And just imagine what it’ll be like when He regenerates and restores His whole Creation.

13 comments on “God’s Stuff: Spring Peepers

  1. Spring Peepers/Tree Frogs have the sweetest song, along with the little house geckos in South Florida. Many people don’t realize that these little geckos sing, but if you’re fortunate to live in a climate that supports these little treasures, every night can be a symphony!

    Thanks, Mr. Nature 🙂

    1. You should’ve heard my grey treefrogs–four of them in the iguana cage (he didn’t mind), perched all in a row on one of the sticks–once they got going. My roommates didn’t like it. I wish I could’ve kept the frogs and returned the roommates.

  2. I was not aware that such a tiny little frog existed. They are sure cute little critters.

    In these parts, there are toads which are only seen during a monsoon rainstorm. Most of the time, these toads, which can get as large as a dinner plate, are nowhere to be seen. Then, on a summer’s evening, the rains will hit and the ground will be all but covered with toads of varying sizes. They must not be far away all year, but we never see them. Are they burrowed into the ground? I have no idea.

    1. Cane toads (or marine toads) are huge! We have those in South Florida too. They secrete a toxin through their skin and many a dog has fallen victim to them. I’d be interested to see the ones you refer to also, Unknowable.

    1. There’s some astounding wildlife in these parts. Unfortunately, much of it is poisonous. 🙂 I saw a Gila Monster some time back and that was amazing, as long as you don’t get too close.

    2. Thanks for that, Unknowable. They’re awesome creatures. They seem to be close to the cane toads in size: 2-3 lbs. and about 5″-6″ long.

      Here’s a pic of the house gecko – if it works. I sometimes have trouble getting pictures to post:
      (looks like a bunch of gobbledygook to me)

    3. The Gilga monster they had up here at the Trailside Museum was, according to the keeper, sweet and gentle and tame. I took her word for it.

  3. That gecko is one cute little feller. How can God make such tiny and intricate things?

    As to the tame Gila Monster, I’d be wary. I’ve heard tales of old timers that live in the boonies and who have wild rattlesnakes on their land that are tame, but you only have to have something go wrong one time to have a tragedy, with that sort of situation.

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