Something to Think About

Image result for images of nursing home patients on park bench

When I go to visit Aunt Joan at the nursing home, I usually visit with a couple of the other residents. Like, why not, as long as I’m there? They might appreciate a visit.

So I was talking today with the woman in the room across the hall from Joan, telling her about Joan’s travels all over the world, back in the day. Gloria wanted to know if Joan ever visited Barbados, because that’s where she was born and raised. We got to talking about Barbados, and Gloria asked me how old I was. It turned out she’s only one year older than I am.

One year. That’s not much. And yet she’s in the nursing home and I’m still playing basketball, when I get the chance. What a world of difference is packed into that one year!

I think the lesson God wants me to take to heart is this: to take no blessings for granted, but to treasure them and be thankful for them while we have them. Once again I found myself thinking, “Well, my aunts worked diligently and were able to do the things they most wished to do. They lived solid Christian lives and were a blessing to everyone who knew them.” And which of us can say the same?

8 comments on “Something to Think About

  1. Yes, it is amazing how one or two years can make such changes. I am fast approaching 84, and it has only been in the past year that I really notice a big change in myself. When spring weather arrives, I plan a lot of exercising to try to get in better shape. I do know people in their 50/s and 60’s who are in no better shape. Sad.

    1. Likewise. I’m a prominent member of Erlene’s fan club.

      Erlene, your kindness and wisdom are something to behold. In our fallen state, we tend to see aging in a negative light, but that’s not how God sees it.

      “A gray head is a crown of glory;
      It is found in the way of righteousness.” Proverbs 16:31

      We learn best from experience, and experience takes time to acquire. Mankind was meant for a long, long life and, from that perspective, 83 is just the beginning. In the meantime, your wisdom benefits all of us here.

      Tonight, I had dinner in a sir-down restaurant up in the city. I was served by one of the prettiest young women I have ever seen. She was probably just a few years out of high school and at the height of her prime.

      Forty years ago, I would have been all aflutter, having seen her, but at this point in life I think: she’s pretty, but she has so much left to learn about life. As I get older, I am starting to see life from the perspective of eternity and I realize what a short time we have in this fallen world. Ecclesiastes 1:14 reads: “I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind.” There is more to life than what we experience now.

      If my understanding is correct, we are soon to see the tumult that will end with Gog of Magog. I hope so. But even if it takes centuries before that happens, our hope of salvation is secure.

  2. It’s sad to see when anyone ends up in a care facility. There but for the grace of God . . .

    I’m 62, and so disgustingly healthy that my doctor loses money on me as a patient. That’s ok, what the primary care physician loses is made up for by the orthopedic surgeon(s) that repair all of the damaged joints. But I don’t plan to go easy. If I have to die, I want to live a full life until my very last day.

    Sometimes I will see people considerably younger than I and think that they look pretty old to me. Maybe I’m fortunate, maybe they are unfortunate, maybe I just have good DNA, because I feel pretty good, most of the time.

    I appreckate your spirit, Erlene. May the next 83 years be even better.

    1. Indeed, you’re blessed, Unknowable. Until the last couple of years, I was able to do much more than I can now. Even my strength seems to be waning (i.e. opening jars or even taped packages). I’ll be 69 this month, but even in my 50s I was in my backyard teaching my grandchildren to walk on their hands – by demonstrating! Lol. It’s just as well I got that accomplished because there’s no way I could do it now!

  3. You sound just like me, Linda and UnKnowable. I am so amazed at how quickly one can go down hill. I’m not ready to give up yet, though. Thanks to both of you and to Lee for your encouragement.

  4. What I’ve noticed is that my bike rides are harder than they used to be, and take more time. I have a time/speed measuring program on my iPhone and have tracked my rides for years. My times got progressively better until about four years ago, when I had a wreck. After I recovered from that, my times got back to almost the same as before the accident, but in the last year it’s taking me 5-10% longer to ride than it used to and the 8.4 mile course I usually ride has become a bit daunting.

    I talked to my doctor about it, and he said that the same thing happened to him (we’re about the same age). Apparently I can no longer keep up with my 55 year old self. 🙂

    But overall, I can’t complain. I’ve been active most of my life and survived a couple of minor motorcycle accidents with no lasting effects, so I can’t complain. I believe that the events in the Middle East point to the imminent return of Christ, so maybe I’ll get to see that as it unfolds. I wish that same for everyone here.

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