Hillary as a Man? Naaah…

Image result for images of hillary clinton as a man

Well, chalk up the sex-change operation as a non-starter, should Hillary Clinton run for president again.

In an experiment by two NYU professors intended to show that Hillary lost ground in the presidential debates due to “gender bias,” the debates were re-enacted, recently, with Donald Trump as a woman and Clinton as a man ( http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=8889 ).

To the professors’ astonished dismay, the audience found Clinton even more revolting as a man, while Trump as a woman came off as more appealing.  One woman in the audience said she found Hillary Clinton as a man… “punchable.”

Maybe they ought to try her as a hamster. Would that work?

Liberals–when they don’t make you curse or cry, they make you laugh.

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