Joe Collidge Freaks Out!

I have the sad duty to tell you that our friend Joe Collidge has injured himself, reacting to this scene from the old 1958 horror movie, The Fly.

When he saw the little half-fly, half-human character get caught in the web and eaten by the spider–the film was being shown in class, Gender Studies 666–poor Joe totally freaked out. Leaping from his seat, he attempted to charge out of the room without first opening the door.

As some of you may know, Joe regularly receives shots of moth hormones, intended to transition him from human male to I don’t know what, anymore. Well, it’s an experiment. It has resulted in him sprouting a pair of moth antennae on his forehead and developing a taste for socks and handkerchiefs. Now it appears he has also come down with intense arachnophobia.

Having rendered himself unconscious by his collision with the door, Joe is currently unavailable for comment.

2 comments on “Joe Collidge Freaks Out!

  1. Aww, poor Joe.

    I saw that movie a while back. It was pretty good. The ending had us all in stitches, but watching it over, it is pretty horrifying.

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