Revenge of Chucky

Image result for images of chucky horror movie doll

No, I’m not talking about the homicidal doll in several horror movies. I mean the crazed Democrat senator from New York, Chucky Schumer.

Recently Chucky was dining at a folksy little Upper East Side restaurant, Sette Mezzo (salad, $18, fish dish, $40 and up–not exactly the White Castle), when he spotted Joseph Califano and his wife at a nearby table. Califano is a high-echelon Democrat who used to be a member of Jimmy Carter’s cabinet. But his wife, Hilary, voted for Donald Trump for president; which inspired Chucky to assault them ( ).

Yelling and screaming at Mrs. Califano for voting for Trump, the revered elder statesman drove the Califanos out of the restaurant, and then got up and followed them out to the sidewalk so he could yell at them some more. (There is a witness who says it didn’t happen quite like that, but it doesn’t look like anyone believes him. All the other witnesses tell a more exciting story.) We don’t know why the Califanos didn’t call the police.

Again, and yet again, these people, these Democrats, these far-out lefty loons, are showing us who they are; and if we ever again, in a paroxysm of national folly, allow them to take power over us, we will deserve what happens to us.

3 comments on “Revenge of Chucky

  1. What do you suppose has driven all these people insane? Is it the diet, the “climate change”, of is it just seeing a peek at reality for the first time in several years?

    1. It’s their ideology that makes them crazy–their whole idea that it’s they who ought to be sitting on God’s throne. This is what makes liberals tick. In fact, it’s the only thing that makes them tick.

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