Comment Contest: Less than 100 to Go

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Well, we’ve just passed the 12,000 mark, and whoever posts Comment No. 13,000 on this blog will win an autographed copy of one of my books.

I’m thinking of re-opening the contest to earlier winners, so they can win again. If this is not a stupid question, are you in favor of that?

Maybe I should also offer a prize to anyone who can figure out what happened to my Facebook and Newswithviews referrals–a mystery that has so far baffled all attempts to unravel it. Where’s Hercule Poirot when you need him?

8 comments on “Comment Contest: Less than 100 to Go

  1. As much as I love my autographed copy of Bell Mountain, were I to make post # 13,000 I would prefer to see the prize go to someone else. Winning a copy of Bell Mountain opened up the entire series to me and I wish that for others as well.

    1. My thoughts exactly, Unknowable. It’s kind of you to offer, Lee, but introduce this wonderful series to new readers.

  2. I don’t know what happens, or how things go astray out there in cyber space. I have tried, and apparently do not have the one tricky key to that whole thing. Maybe you could ask Jim Schwiesow- he can do anything.

  3. OH, I thought you were familiar with Jim Schwiesow. He was a writer on
    NWV for years. He has recently stopped writing because of poor health, and he lost his wife a short time ago I’m sure he is still listed on NWV roster.

  4. I should recuse myself for voting on new vs. old winners, since I’m a new commenter myself — but I think I’ll settle for being selfish and trying for that book! 🙂

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