Yeah, They’re Still Crazy

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The Ontario Human Rights Commission website has changed a little since I last visited it a few years ago, and I couldn’t find the same quotes that appalled me back then: but they’re still crazy, still committed to “a vision where everyone feels they are an important part of the community…” Note the word “feels.” We are about to dive into the wonderful world of regulation based on people’s feelings.

Anyhow, here are a few quotes from OHRC’s official site (

The tricky part is when “intent is not required” in cases of discrimination, which you can be guilty of “even if he or she doesn’t mean to…” This would be “constructive adverse discrimination” which “might not be intentional.” It’s so hard to avoid breaking the law when you really don’t know what the law is.

And so the orcs from ORHC see it as their mission to regulate “policies, practices, and patterns of behavior and attitudes (including organizational culture)…” They are careful not to define, exactly, “organizational culture,” which, five years ago, included “interpersonal relationships.” In other words, they claimed the authority to tell you whom your friends should be. I couldn’t find that particular language there today, but I would be surprised to learn that the spirit of it has been abated.

So there you have it–a vision of government control over practically every little nuance of human life.

Somehow a heaven designed by sinful human beings always winds up looking like a hell.

6 comments on “Yeah, They’re Still Crazy

  1. With such nebulous standards, anyone and everyone can be found guilty, at the whim of the governing bodies.

    I’ve seen people deflect an intentional insult by simply refusing to be insulted. We can’t control what someone else chooses to say, but we can control our response. We can also exercise the choice of not answering at all. If someone is deliberately unkind, offensive, etc. we can choose not to deal with that person in the future. All it takes is a sense of self worth.

    The individual has power, but it requires that we face life with the courage of our convictions and a sense of our own value. Without these things, it is easy to become powerless and retreat into taking offense at any and every thing we find unpleasant. You could say that this is the recipe for “snowflake” behavior.

    I’ve been called every name in the book, so what? I know who I am, what I am and what I am capable of accomplishing. When someone levels a criticism which I feel is groundless I ask them what they think I should do. If there’s a sincere answer, I’ll give ear, but In almost every case the response is silence, because the motive for the criticism is not to correct s problem, but to attempt to undermine my self confidence. Most unconstructive criticism is motivated similarly. There’s no reason to respond to that sort of thing.

  2. I’d love to see someone sue the “Human” “Rights” “Commissions” for discrimination on the grounds that they repeatedly say “he or she” and “his or her,” thereby discriminating against persons of nonbinary gender.

    It’s also going to be interesting when someone claims discrimination on grounds of disability because hiring requirements exclude a tone-deaf person from a chorus, or a narcoleptic as a bus driver.

    1. Have you got a crystal ball? I wouldn’t be a bit surprised of the crazy pronouns come into play pretty soon.
      Now, the orcs do say that “not everything” is covered by the Human Rights Code, including certain employment standards. So presumably they wouldn’t force a bus company to hire a narcoleptic as a bus driver… unless he was a transgender narcoleptic.

    2. What is missing, in all of this, is that the people whom are creating all of these regulations, policies, etc. do not realize that these can be applied to themselves as well as to others. If one of them was falsely accused of discrimination, the that person would change their tune in a hurry.

    3. Yeah, but libs always have these things set up so they’re only for other people, not them. Like, it’s unheard of for a Christian in Canada to win a discrimination action before a “human rights” tribunal. They won’t even hear your case. And acquittals are very, very rare.

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