‘Behold, the Mountain of the Lord’ (the sooner, the better)

Before I had my pants on this morning, I had already heard three disgusting and distressing items of news.

Let us fortify ourselves with hymns and prayer. We’ll need it. And we have it. O Light of the World, please light our way!

6 comments on “‘Behold, the Mountain of the Lord’ (the sooner, the better)

  1. Thank you, Lee. We need hymns daily to help lift our spirits in this fallen world. The only thing missing from this one is bagpipes! They would’ve fit nicely with this one 🙂

    1. Every hymn you post, whether new or repeated, is a blessing, and we thank you, kind sir.

    2. I’ll take you up on that. To remind us who we are, ‘Soldiers of the Lion’ by Chuck Girard. (This one’s a repeat too) 🙂

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