How We save The Plannit!!

Image result for images of tree huggers

Wow did we have “a” lexture today!! Our Gender Studies class we got a geusst lexture from a Eco Sexural Prefesser she comed al “the” way From Calliforma and she toled us How to Save The Plannit by “makeing” love Whith the Erth!!! and i caint hardly waighht to Try it!

She sayed her and her Pratner thay do it al “the” tyme!! thay gets nekkid and roles Around in Mud and thay Lick the Treees and get The Plannit al exyted like and That is how thay wil get the Erth to have “more” Self Esteam or somthing!! but affter a wile it was Kindof “hard” to folo becose she was So Interllectural i culdnt Hardly figger out “whatt” she was saying that “is” the sine of a reel Interllectural if you can unnder-stand them eazy then it is Not true Interllectural!

I dont know wye but lissining “to” al “this” It made me jist tirribble hungry And i culdnt Help it and thare wasnt Nothing “elsse” to eet so i taked Off “my” shoo and than i started eeting my Sock and it was embarasting reely but she Seen it and she gived me a grate “bit” slime and sayed “wel i am Glad to” see thare “is Somboddy hear” that he is Saving The Plannit “rihght now by Re-cycalling” his Sox!!! and i jist abote Meltted! when she smyled like That!

and now i Has got “to” stop riting and go “out” and Save The Plannit some more!!!

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