A Hymn Request from Australia: ‘Give Me Jesus’

My friend in Australia, “optimal play,” posted this on my chess page today, and we’d like to share it with you: Give Me Jesus, by Vince Gill. OP calls it “sublime in its simplicity,” and I have to agree. Thanks, mate!

With the “Yes to Gay Marriage” forces in Australia carrying on like Antifa blackshirts, my friend fears for the future of his country. Don’t we know that feeling!

But our God is an awesome God…

6 comments on “A Hymn Request from Australia: ‘Give Me Jesus’

  1. Truly lovely. And yes, Jesus is all we need; the rest will follow. It reminds me, in focus if not in melody, of the Gospel song “Woke Up This Morning With My Mind on Jesus.” (May I turn that into a request?)

    1. Sure thing.
      Somewhere in last year’s archive we have feminists singing “Woke Up this Morning with My Mind on Hillary.”
      I wish I were joking.

  2. Yes, we know the feeling well. If not for the Lord, it would be very disturbing, but we know the end of the story.

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