‘Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee’ (at the Royal Albert Hall)

I have to go to the nursing home this morning; but first, a hymn.

Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, music by Beethoven, sung by a multitude at the Royal Albert Hall, inspiration by the Holy Spirit–someday I would like to hear what this hymn sounds like when sung by a million of the saints in heaven. Wouldn’t you?

3 comments on “‘Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee’ (at the Royal Albert Hall)

  1. Whenever we sing this in church it is always the highlight of the service for me (“teach us how to love each other”). Wasn’t Beethoven deaf when he wrote this? Talk about miraculous.

  2. This is a great song, and one that comes to my mind pretty often. Here is a suggestion for another, in a totally different style, but great, too.
    It is: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. When the world gets to nasty to think
    about, this is a good thing to remember.

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