Loopy Shrinks Call for President’s Removal

Image result for images of looney psychiatrist

I don’t generally cover politics on Sundays, but who can pass up such a towering display of sheer block-headedness?

A handful of psychologists, psychiatrists, “and other mental health professionals”–maybe it was deemed better not to describe them in more detail–with professionally printed cloth banners marched down Broadway in New York City t’other day to demand that President Donald Trump be removed from office for being “narcissistic” (http://nypost.com/2017/10/14/shrinks-take-to-streets-to-demand-narcissistic-trumps-ouster/).

Hoo boy! Where were these wet noodles for eight years of President *Batteries Not Included? And eight years of Bill Clinton? If narcissism could be converted to energy, those two blow-hards by themselves could light the solar system.

Oh–and President Trump is also too crazy to be president, they say, because he just doesn’t seem to understand that in any controversy, he’s supposed to surrender to the Left as soon as possible. I mean, really–who ever heard of a Republican president trying to win? That alone ought to earn him a trip to the booby hatch.

I can hardly wait to vote for him again!

5 comments on “Loopy Shrinks Call for President’s Removal

  1. When I see President Trump being interviewed or at a rally, he seems so confidant and having a good time. And some of his speeches are for the ages (for instance, his speech in Saudi Arabia). I thank God every day Hillary Clinton is not our President, and I thank God every day Donald Trump is our President.

    A dream: Trump wins a second term and Mike Pence wins two terms after him.

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