Finished for Real

Image result for images of baby alligator hatching

Okay, now I really have finished writing The Temptation and can go on to type up the last bunch of chapters, polishing them as I go, and send them in to my editor. And that, Lord willing, will be Bell Mountain No. 11.

As various computer woes swept over me this weekend, I realized there was something important that I had to add to the climax. I won’t tell you what it was, except to say it caught Gallgoid the Chief Spy flat-footed, and you have to get up pretty early in the morning to do that.

Why a picture of a baby alligator hatching?

Well, an alligator starts out small and can grow very, very big; and I pray my books will do the same, in the Lord’s service.

5 comments on “Finished for Real

  1. Hooray and Congratulations! We will all be waiting for its release 🙂 And since I’ve become a fan of Gallgoid, it’ll be tough to wait!

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