The Real Narnia

Image result for narnia, italy

Here’s something I’ll betcha didn’t know: there really was–and still is, sort of–a place called Narnia. It was, for almost 3,000 years, a town in Italy; and in 1870, its name was changed to “Narni” ( It’s still there, perched up in the mountains.

We  can be pretty sure C.S. Lewis knew all about it: he would have read Livy’s History of Rome. Because of its strong, defensible location, and not its size or wealth, Narnia was for a long time kind of an important place.

There is no record of fauns or talking animals having lived there, but I would rather not commit myself as to centaurs.

Now go out there and win a trivia contest.

2 comments on “The Real Narnia

    1. I once looked into becoming a Jeopardy contestant, but gave it up. After all the hoops they made you jump through (including travel), the selection was made by a lottery!

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