Educational Disaster, and the Racial Grievance Industry

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Here are some appalling facts and figures provided by Walter Williams today in his column (

Baltimore has 39 high schools. In 2016, in 13 of those high schools, not a single student passed the state’s math proficiency exam. Of 3,800 students who took the test, only 14 passed it! Meanwhile, only 15 percent of the students passed the English test.

What’s that you say? The schools need more money? Uh-uh. Baltimore ranks No. 3 in per-pupil spending among the nation’s 100 largest school districts.

Despite this wretched performance on the tests, Baltimore hands out high school diplomas to just about everyone who shows up to get one, and some of them go on, of course, to college–some even on scholarships. And a lot of those, once they get there, fail because they have had no meaningful educational foundation. Others go on to fail in other areas of life.

They wonder how this can be. After all, they have diplomas, just like all those white students who didn’t fail in college (and Dr. Williams points out that the white kids’ educational foundation is nothing to write home about, either). And along come the usual race hustlers and tell these young black people that they fail because of–you guessed it–systemic racism. Meanwhile, the NAACP busies itself opposing any and all attempts to reform the education system. The racial grievance industry is allied, as in joined at the hip, to the teachers’ unions. They’re both in it for the money.

These young people are the prey of thieves and hypocrites, victims of an over-funded, over-staffed, incompetent, dishonest public education system whose sole interest is in fattening their paychecks. God only knows how many potentially productive minds are being wasted by these “educators” and their political protectors. Some of these kids might have accomplished great things, if only they’d been educated.

Instead, all they’ve got is worthless, meaningless diplomas–and a nice big chip on their shoulders, carefully put there by the predators.

4 comments on “Educational Disaster, and the Racial Grievance Industry

  1. Giving a diploma to someone that has not actually learned the material is no gift. That person will face an uphill struggle in the workplace and if they fail to keep a job their sense that the deck is stacked against them will only be reinforced.

    1. I remember, in the 1970s, when Livingston College decided to give diplomas to every student, whether they’d learned anything or not. The dean called me up, enraged, because I wrote a newspaper column likening this to paying someone with Monopoly money. He hadn’t a clue.

  2. At our minority dominated high school yesterday I was subbing and one black Sophomore told me he refuses to read a book. He says he will do anything else be read a book. He will probably get a diploma, then he can make a killing dealing drugs.

  3. Indoctrination being nearly complete for an entire generation, thus that chip on their shoulders will be implanted squarely in their foreheads (which was the plan to begin with).

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