This Should Scare You

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We were watching Brokenwood last night–a New Zealand crime drama series–and enjoying it, when, about three-quarters of the way through the episode, the story turned into a commercial for homosexuality.

I am sure New Zealand used to be a Christian country. Rev. Robinson, who taught our confirmation class, was from New Zealand. Cool accent and all. But that was in the 1960s.

As the Brokenwood screenplay would have you believe, every sane and decent person now accepts and affirms homosexuality as something worthy of congratulation: for all the characters in the episode except, of course, the villain, this is a given. They would stare at you in disbelief if you betrayed the slightest hint of “homophobia.”

See, the only individuals–few and far between!–who could entertain the slightest misgivings about homosexuality only do so because they are hopelessly mired in the distant past. Relics of the Victorian Era. Maybe even of the Stone Age. In addition to being mean-spirited and bad, they must also be totally out to lunch. And so on.

In the world that I grew up in, which was not the Victorian Era, homosexuality was universally condemned, mostly as a sin. That standard, found in Jewish and Christian morality, stood unchanged for thousands of years. And then, suddenly, it was gone, thrown down, broken and rejected. In my own lifetime. It happened right before my own eyes, and I can’t tell you how it happened. By the end of the 20th century it was the “gays” who were the cat’s pajamas, morally, and we who had not changed our core beliefs–we were enemies of the people.

I am troubled that such a radical change in moral standards could be imposed on all of Western civilization in such a very short time. Are we no better than walking, talking lumps of Play-Doh, to be molded into anything our rulers please? “Okay, that worked! Now gay is good and it’s a sin to say it’s a sin! And the next item on the agenda is…” What? What are they going to change for us next? Is that what the whole transgender thing is all about? Ten years from now, will it be viewed as really weird retro behavior not to have your toddler surgically mutilated to “change” his or her “gender”? Or will they think of something even more grotesque than that?

If people are as malleable as modeling clay, why have we never been able to mold them to be good? Why is it so easy to mold them to be bad? You can’t make marital fidelity cool and trendy; but it seems any conceivable form of sexual immorality will enjoy its day in the sun.

O Lord our God! Remember that these things are done without our consent, against our will, and over our objections.

8 comments on “This Should Scare You

  1. The most scorn I ever recall receiving was an online post where I failed to give the required level of approval to fornication. You would have thought I had taken a pot shot at Santa Claus.

    I have no desire to force my standards on others. I believe strongly impersonal responsibility so what others choose to do is their business. However, that does not mean that I am willing to conceal my standards. I live by biblical morality because I believe it to be the best course, both for pleasing God and for my own personal safety and security.

  2. What more is there to say? I am also amazed how quickly we are willing to shed two-thousand years of Judeo-Christian ethics and traditional marriage, which has endured since time immemorial, in favour of this neo-paganism without any regard as to its consequences. Even Hillary Clinton remarked at how quickly it has happened.

    With pagan “virtues” come pagan vices. We can expect to see more sexual immorality, hedonism, violence, devaluation of human life, exalting of nature, occultism, materialism, persecution of Christians, and so on to become the new “norm”. Personally, I think its a sign of the times. Where does it end? First in judgement, and then with the return of Christ.

    1. One thing I took note of years ago was when the hippies decided to “improve” society, they made a beeline for vice. Not a few of them didn’t survive their experiment. If you live the morality of my grandparent’s generation a lot of trouble can be avoided.

  3. The previous post was about the stupidity of an esteemed party member of the CPUSA.
    They think they are so superior to the rest of us while they try to force things on people that no one wants.
    Then they insult those flyover country rubes who don’t want anything to do with some Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 so called utopia.
    Breaking news-59 women congress members want an investigation into Trump after Me-Gyn Kelly’s j’accuse witch hunt special with four women who claim Trump sexually harassed them many years ago.
    I would place a bet that Imam Hussein Obama is behind this j’accuse hysteria.

    1. And satan has their backs. Sadly. Yet our war is not against the left, despite the enjoyment it would bring me to wage it. Our battle is against. . . well, you know how Apostle Paul framed it in his letter to Believers (Ephesians 6).

      L-RD Bless, Keep, Shine. . .

  4. Gore Vidal saw homosexuality as an evolutionary step forward as a way to cure the population explosion problem. The Leftids don’t seem to realize Trump was accused by these women during the campaign and the American people voted for him anyway – so what has changed?

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