‘Oy, Rodney’ Nominated for Major Award

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Oy, Rodney, the epic romance by Violet Crepuscular, has been nominated for a Dumpster Fire Award for Really Stinky Literature.

The notice was slipped under my door this evening by two men in black who made sure I didn’t see their faces. I’m a little nervous about this, because a Dumpster Fire Award generally comes with a good thrashing. I mean, why should I be blamed for this?

I don’t have Ms. Crepuscular’s forwarding address, and her publisher seems to have gone out of business.

3 comments on “‘Oy, Rodney’ Nominated for Major Award

  1. Oh, no, does this mean we’ll never find out what’s under the wading pool? — or, for that matter, who Rodney is?

    Come to think of it, can it be that there’s a real Rodney and Violet has eloped with him? Or was Rodney one of the men in black? (Surely they couldn’t have been Jeremy and Twombley!)

    This is even more exciting than the novel itself. 🙂

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