Cats Can Concentrate

I get a kick out of this. You never see the cats’ faces, but their body language tells it all. There’s a bird out there, and they want it! This kind of concentration is essential to anyone who wants to succeed in life.

I can’t see the bird, but Mr. Nature is pretty sure it’s a cardinal. At least it sounds like one.

2 comments on “Cats Can Concentrate

  1. Such intensity. I guess being an alpha predator is serious work, especially if you only weight 12-18 pounds. This morning, my lovely little cat came to sit on my lap and noticed a video on my iPad. When that finished, I found some bird bath videos on YouTube and she seemed to think that it was the best thing ever shown on TV. 🙂 She’s been a sick girl of late and is probably not going to be with me much longer, but we share some very enjoyable moments, including being awakened this morning by lots of kitty affection.

  2. I think that cat in the middle was the most animated 🙂
    I put bird seed in our two backyard bird feeders every morning when I feed the squirrels their hulled sunflower seeds and put peanuts on the privacy fence posts for the bluejays and cardinals. With our week long temperatures never even reaching freezing, the birds have congregated in our azalea bushes. As a result, often I am having to shoo the neighborhood cat out of our yard.

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