Libs Break All 10 Commandments–on Purpose

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Some people think ideological differences don’t matter much. I say they do: because, deep down, they are religious differences.

Throughout the Western world, the Left stands against each and every one of the Ten Commandments–opposes them as a matter of both ideology and applied policy. In America, that would be the Far Left’s political apparatus, the Democrat Party and the nooze and “entertainment” media.

Take the Commandments one by one, and see.

One, “No other gods before me.” How many Democrats have you heard prattle that there are “many ways to God,” and all of them are equal? They boo God’s name at their national convention, and often insist that the gods of all religions are all the same god.

Two, prohibition against making a graven image and bowing down to it. Uh, smart phone, anyone? Technology as the answer to everything? “Whoever dies with the most stuff, wins”? Granted, it’s not only libs who do this. Materialism is borne of Original Sin, and we all have that.

Three, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain. As we speak, there are groups of “pro-choice clergy” who  blaspheme God’s name by declaring that abortion is His work.  I would be astonished if even one of these were a Republican.

Four, keep the Sabbath Day holy. If any even halfway serious effort were made to do this as a matter of law, Schumer & Co. would fight it tooth and nail. And when was the last time you saw a de-Christianizing initiative that Democrats didn’t lead?

Five, honor thy father and mother. You’re kidding, right? Isn’t that supposed to be honor your two dads, two moms, or whatever? Since the French Revolution, the Left has been trying to wipe out the family.

Six, thou shalt not kill. Can you say “Planned Parenthood”?

Seven, thou shalt not commit adultery. It only hurts when I laugh. Liberals, especially the ones in Hollywood, are crazy about adultery. Don’t take my word for it. Turn on your TV set or go to a movie, and see.

Eight, thou shalt not steal. Which they take to mean, “Let the government do it for you.” And what leftid doesn’t say it’s OK to steal from “the rich”–as long as you’re not sneaking into their own guarded and gated communities and stealing their stuff.

Nine, thou shalt not bear false witness. Again, a sin that crosses all boundaries: but it was the Democrat Obama administration that ponied up for a scurrilous fake “dossier” on Donald Trump and used it to get a court order to spy on his campaign: paid for it with public funds.

Ten, thou shalt not covet. If coveting other people’s goods is not what Bernie Sanders is all about, I don’t know what is. Name a Democrat who doesn’t whip up envy and covetousness with class warfare rhetoric.

Again, there are Republicans who fit this description just fine. But they are not very well loved by the Republican voting base, and I don’t know how they stay in office. It would be a good thing to get rid of them.

And if you’re a liberal and you really don’t like the way this shoe pinches–well, how much would it hurt to reconsider some of your positions?

2 comments on “Libs Break All 10 Commandments–on Purpose

  1. If one truly believes that there is a Creator and that we are responsible to Him it will be reflected in our esteem for others. If, OTOH, God is some flexible concept to use as wrapping paper for your own conclusions and prejudices then we can pretty much make up the rules as we go along. I think that’s what is happening all over the place. Hard and fast rules, such as the ten commandments, are very inconvenient to such people.

  2. Everything the Left touches gets polluted. We need to persevere in our prayers for a genuine revival in our land, a standard to raise up against the ungodly. We need an infusion of the Holy Spirit to inspire believers to great things that promote the Kingdom of God on the earth as it is in heaven.

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