My Not-Quite-New Newswithviews Column, Nov. 27, 2014 (‘When the King Returned’)

Would you believe it? I was so distracted by this trouble with my tooth, I never wrote a Newswithviews column for this week. It’s only the second time I’ve missed in over five years.

Anyhow, here’s one out of the archives.

4 comments on “My Not-Quite-New Newswithviews Column, Nov. 27, 2014 (‘When the King Returned’)

  1. Great parable. I recognized the story right away. Many in the various denominations today would call it a fantasy, or some such, but I love it.

    1. Heinrich Schleimann believed Homer was writing about things that had really happened; and following Homer, he discovered the long-lost ruins of Troy.

  2. Ah, yes – The Odyssey. I, too, recognized it immediately, and it surely could have been about our King.

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