My Newswithviews Column, March 15 (‘National Geographic’s Orgy of Guilt’)

Yes, I know I already covered this topic here a few days ago. But I thought it would be a good idea to expand on it. Besides, NWV would rather I didn’t submit cat videos.

So here again we present a bunch of leftids wallowing in Racism and whatnot so that they can brag about what sterling characters they are today, blah-blah…

This crapola is the end product of our public education system.

4 comments on “My Newswithviews Column, March 15 (‘National Geographic’s Orgy of Guilt’)

  1. As usual, Lee, I enjoyed this a lot. For some reason, my mind went to the verse in Romans 1:25 about exchanging the truth of God for the lie. As I’m fond of saying, there is a war against reality, apparently in all forms.

  2. America has been trying to fulfill the principles found in its “Declaration of Independence” from the get-go. Progress has seemed slow, but racism is less today than it has ever been. “People of color” have more opportunity today than ever (in many cases more so than white people). It is because of the politics of the Democrat’s Cult of Death that the word racist is used so often to describe its opponents. Get rid of the Democrat Party and then we can really make some progress!

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