Wahoo! The 19th Annual White Privilege Conference!

(Thanks, I think, to “Unknowable” for the news tip)

It’s not that leftids are getting more asinine. They’ve just gotten bolder about letting us see them for who they really are.

Those lucky college students at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, will be getting academic credit for attending, online, the 19th annual White Privilege Conference at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Not-so-lucky students will be required to attend in person (https://mail.aol.com/webmail-std/en-us/suite).

But wow, dig this deal! You can apply these credits toward getting your “Graduate Certificate in Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusion”! What, pray tell, are you supposed to do with that, once you’ve got it?

Taught primarily by world-class hypocrite white liberals, the conference will feature over 100 workshops with cool titles like “Breaking the Chains of Capitalism and White Supremacy,” “The Whiteness of Law,” and “How Whiteness Kills.” They’re not a bit shy anymore about admitting that they’re commies. They don’t like the laws, either. Laws are so much nicer when they’re made by a people’s soviet consisting of women of color. Or something like that.

Can you believe this preposterous event has already been held 18 times? And still white parents knock themselves out, working to pay the exorbitant cost of sending their offspring to these looniversities to get not-quite-degrees in Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusion.

What’s wrong with you people???

3 comments on “Wahoo! The 19th Annual White Privilege Conference!

  1. What I find intriguing, is that we are hearing the very same things as we were hearing 50 years ago. It’s like the hippie, anything goes, self-loathing days of 1968. It will end up no more successful than the last time, either.

  2. This stuff is so foreign to anything in my life it is like they live on another planet. Maybe Tucker” will have one of the professors on his show to let them display their self-proclaimed racism and their loathing of themselves.

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