UK Teens Can’t Tell Time

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(Thanks to Linda for the news tip)

Taking their equivalent of the SATs, British high school students have complained that they can’t read the clock on the wall to see how much time they’ve got to finish: and that’s because many of them can’t tell time (

Rather than teach these college-bound teenagers how to tell time on a regular analog clock, the geniuses in charge of the UK’s education system had decided that they have to get rid of the big hand-little hand clocks and replace them with digital clocks. Ka-ching, ka-ching! That’s your school tax going up!

How hard would it be to teach a 16-year-old how to tell time? Teachers just not up to it?

There are more than enough horror stories in the news today to go around.

This story is for comic relief: although even this is kind of horrifying, in its own way.


13 comments on “UK Teens Can’t Tell Time

  1. We are all toast! That article is chilling, for more than one reason.

    First-off; why the hell cant kids be taught to read an analogue clock? FWIW, the altimeter on an airplane uses the same concept to display this very vital piece of information. It probably took ten minutes to teach me to read a clock, at the most, and perhaps a few weeks of experience before I could do it accurately, every time. I don’t have any specific memory of learning this, but I know it was considerably less hassle than learning to tie shoes.

    Secondly; has any thought been given to the significance of learning to visualize, which is part of learning to use an analogue clock? The face of a clock is actually a degree wheel, marked with major divisions every thirty degrees and minor divisions every six degrees. Learning to read a clock face is a good starting point in learning to read a compass, developing a sense of direction, reading a map, learning to measure and lay out a design on paper, wood, etc. It is an entry skill for many things that follow. I wouldn’t ride in an airplane piloted by a person that couldn’t read a clock. That goes for hiring a carpenter, surveyor or any other trade which requires measurement.

    The final, semi-related point; how can people unable to hold a pen hope to develop meaningful skills? I can speak from experience on this one, because I used to find it almost impossible to hold a writing device. I had poor coordination as a child and it did hold me back, significantly. I overcame it, but it took many years and to this day, some fine skills are difficult for me. There may have been inherited causes for my difficulties, several others in my family have had similar problems, but the answer is to start early. From early childhood, I had building blocks, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, etc. It helped, and there were no computers in sight.

    The thing that helped me the most was learning to play a musical instrument. Coordinating the use of a pick with accurate fretting on my left had did me wonders. Learning complex arpeggios required fine skills beyond anything I could imagine theretofore. It was HARD, as in it took years to master, but I eventually did and it showed up in other areas of life as greater accuracy in many th8ngs.

    My greatest fear is that children raise without crayons and pencils may never regain the opportunity lost to them by not learning these skills early in life. There are many skills, such as those involving language, reading, writing, etc, which are much more difficult to master later in life.

    1. Amen, UnKnowable! I very much appreciate your thoughtful analysis. These children today will be at such a disadvantage out in the real world. It’s frightening to ponder. Last night on Tucker Carlson he was interviewing a young woman proposing the building of new ‘crying closets’ on every campus in the nation where students can, without fear, go to ‘have a good cry’ to relieve all the stress and anxiety they’re under just receiving an education (indoctrination). Honestly – we’re toast!

    2. Sheesh, what a bunch of losers! When I was the same age as some of these college students, I was supporting myself by working on construction projects, sometimes at frightening heights above the ground. I can remember climbing ladders while trembling and somehow managed to get through my days without a crying closet. These kids have no notion of what reality has in store for them.

      How do they think they get all of the conveniences which allow them to live there cushy lives? Do these people ever even think about the fact that someone, in fact many people, labored in order for them to have room, board and transportation?

    3. No, I don’t believe it occurs to them that someone somewhere had to DO something to provide whatever comfort they enjoy – like learning to cook, learning to sew, learning to climb ladders, learning which wires go together to make your house light up. On and on the list goes, but these precious little snowflakes of today don’t even realize someone had to wash that plate, cook that meal – even wash their crying towels!

    4. They have absolutely no idea of where anything comes from, or how anything gets done. Like the one jidrool said to Rushdoony, “Food just IS!” Like nobody had to grow it, harvest it, transport it to the supermarket, earn money to buy it, etc.

  2. This is also true of Millennials who can’t read or write cursive handwriting.
    There’s a certain irony that with all our technology and collective knowledge at the tip of our fingertips, we seem to be getting dumber instead of smarter.

  3. USA kids can read an analog clock either – I know, I live among them as a substitute teacher. And cursive writing is out also. Public school teachers don’t teach anymore – they just go along with the system to get along until retirement time finally comes. The average career life for new teachers is 1-3 years, the biggest turnover of any industry.

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