How to Protect Your Town from Homicidal Maniacs

Back in the 1950s, Chuck Connors in The Rifleman showed us how it’s done. Try counting the shots he gets off in 20 seconds–and that’s not even a semi-automatic rifle.

I forget the name of the town The Rifleman lived in; but something tells me MS-13 wouldn’t flourish there. It looks like it would be a very bad idea to go there to make trouble.

Something also tells me that if you brought this show back on the air, liberals would howl and normal people would just flat-out love it.

7 comments on “How to Protect Your Town from Homicidal Maniacs

  1. I liked The Rifleman when it was on TV and although I was just a little child then, even as an adult I’d like it now! 🙂 I forgot the name of the town, too, Lee. And I forgot his little boy’s name too.

  2. Well, I had to look it up. Mark was Lucas McCain’s son and they lived in North Fork, NM in the 1880s 🙂

  3. I saw the Rifleman for the first time last year online with my wife! Seems like these days good quality family show are rare but more plentiful back in the days…

    1. I loved Wagon Train! That’s why we have half a dozen complete seasons of it in our video library. Charlie Wooster rules!

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