‘The Stolen Church’

Image result for images of clergy for choice

R.J. Rushdoony wrote this essay for The California Farmer back in 1967; and what he saw then has become painfully clearer now, 51 years later.


And this, mind you, was before there were any Clergy for Choice, goddess worship workshops, transgender preachers, and “gay marriages” blasphemously performed under the church’s roof.

I think he saw it coming.

10 comments on “‘The Stolen Church’

  1. Mr. Rushdoony certainly had insight into the things plaguing the church – which in truth isn’t a religion or an institution, but the body of Christ. As UnKnowable said, it’s far worse today than when the article was written. Giving the government a foot in the door with 501c3 hasn’t helped.

  2. Lee, just a heads up – comments are disabled for the cat video and also for the reblogged post from Christian Apologist

    1. P.S.–Would you believe it? Only one Like for all my posts today, put together. How does everybody else and his brother ring up all those Likes?

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