Hollywood Howls Over SCOTUS Pick

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President Trump has nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, and Hollywood is screaming bloody murder (https://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2018/07/10/hollywood-resistance-freaks-over-kavanaugh-nomination-will-cement-the-first-american-dictatorship/).

As we all knew they would. Who did they expect him to nominate–Bill Cosby?

Some jidrool from Marvel Comics says Kavanaugh will solidify “America’s first dictatorship.” This guy’s head is solidified.

Has-been actor Ron Perlman says Kavanaugh will impose Islamic Shariah law on America. Judge Kavanaugh is not a Muslim, but never mind.

And Rob “Meat-head” Reiner predicts Kavanaugh will “destroy Democracy.”

I don’t know whether these people are possessed, insane, intractably stupid, or some combination of the above. I suspect they had these rhetorical gems prepared for anyone who was nominated, didn’t matter whom.

Shame on you, if you go to any of their stupid movies.

4 comments on “Hollywood Howls Over SCOTUS Pick

    1. That’s what’s really scary. These possessed people are influencing the lives and minds of others.

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