My Newswithviews Column, July 26 (‘Religion for Hipsters’)

There are churches and “Bible scholars” out there who’ll say and do anything to win the approval of a Godless world.

It wouldn’t be so bad, if they had only their own souls to worry about; but how many people are they leading into error?

Well, it’ll make an interesting defense on Judgment Day. “But Lord! I was only doing what was trending!”

13 comments on “My Newswithviews Column, July 26 (‘Religion for Hipsters’)

  1. Professor Alan Dershowitz, being an expert in Constitutional Law, and a criminal lawyer, I’m sure qualifies him as an expert – even to teach those classes. However, unless there are degrees in theology (especially the Old Testament) and languages (Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic), I’m going to go out on a limb here and posit that he is NOT a Biblical Scholar. I will say though, he probably could do as well as many of the ‘credentialed’ ones 🙂

    We know, too, that it does not please God when we alter His Word in any way. Man wanting to be God and make his own rules.

    Great article, Lee.

    1. Oops! Not that Dershowitz. This is another Dershowitz. I guess I should’ve used his first name, but I wanted to disrespect him. This is Idan, not Alan, Dershowitz.

  2. I used to load and unload boxcars when going to college the first time. Back in those days you had to pay your own way, not borrow from the gov’t in hopes that someone like Bernie Sanders would arise who would cancel your debt. Alan Dershowitz has become a pariah to the Left of late in declaring the Constitution is being violated in the way Trump’s enemies are going after him.

    1. It wasn’t Alan Dershowitz. It was some Dershowitz named Idan.
      I, too, unloaded freight cars at the Ford plant to pay for college. Nothing like being stuck inside the wheel car, on a summer night so hot it “made yer bloomin’ eyebrows crawl” (Kipling), and the only way out was to empty the car.

  3. Alan Dershowitz has a lot more sense than that other Dershowitz.

    This reminds me of 2 Tim 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,”

    It’s well known that “scientific studies” are available to the highest bidder with results of your choosing. Some people apparently think that they can do the same thing with the Bible. Be interesting to hear their answers when the final day of judgment happens.

    1. Amen! I’d love to participate in shared worship, but where I live there are few choices and most of the couches seem much more interested in human tradition than in worship of the One True God.

    2. I would love that! I really hope you enjoy this one. I just left you some stars and a short review on Amazon yesterday for The Fugitive Prince–on to the next book now. 🙂

    3. That’s right, I forgot you don’t read ebooks! I am waiting on my cover designer for the print version. I’ll check to see when she thinks she’ll be done

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