How It Feels to be Joe Collidge

Image result for images of frazzled cat

Computer stuff sometimes reduces me to gibbering idiocy.

If you notice that today’s “Joe Collidge” post appears twice, just forget about it. It is the result of a cascade of errors that I can’t begin to recapitulate, let alone explain.

Y’know, it’s rather a frightening feeling, to be messing up a routine task that you thought you knew how to do, sitting there in helpless horror as everything you do to try to correct the problem only makes it worse. It makes you feel stupid.

The WordPress happiness engineer has cleaned up the mess. I hope.

Pardon me while I go off and do a few primal screams.

5 comments on “How It Feels to be Joe Collidge

  1. do a few of those primal screams for me, too. nothing is working for me today, including my head. vertigo is getting me down, along with the computer mess-ups.

  2. Been there way too many times. I call it the domino effect – one mishap creates another which creates another ad infinitum. My favorite word to describe myself is “dummy.”

    1. The cascade effect is real. Computers use hard logic, humans use fuzzy logic. We don’t always interact well. Beep!

      always interact well. Beep!

      always interact well. Beep!

      always interact well. Beep!

      always interact well. Beep!

      always interact well. Beep!

      I think I need a beer. 🙂

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