Piling On!

Image result for images of piling on in football

I know someone–to spare her further inconvenience, she shall remain nameless–who found her own Facebook page burdened by a message from some leftid who announced, “I’m voting Blue [Democrat/communist] in November!” To which she replied, “Who cares?”–when any reply at all, other than instant agreement, would have been a mistake.

Next thing she knew, her page was flooded with libs, all taking exception to the two words she wrote. It went on all day. I could’ve told her that would happen, but anticipating nothing of the kind, she never asked.

“Conversation,” in lib-speak, consists of as many leftids as can be packed into the room all shouting at the one poor devil who dissented from their opinion and who must now be hammered into silence. They call this “diversity.”

Remember: They’re only 8% of the population! It’s unseemly for 8% to bully 92%. Okay, with a population of 300 million, 8% still gives the Left some two and a half million fat-heads to work with. And normal people, among the remaining 280 million, have a lot of things they’d rather do, and had better do, than troll liberals’ social media pages.

Hint: Defunding the colleges would be a big, big help!

5 comments on “Piling On!

    1. She didn’t realize she was engaging them.
      You know, they like to make it painful for anyone to dare to disagree with them.

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