With My Last Ounce of Oomph…

Image result for images of tired animals

Actually, I think I lost that ounce this afternoon.

But it’s come down to this: I’m pretty sure I’d better finish writing His Mercy Endureth Forever by the end of next week, or it’ll just be too cold outside to write anything. And indoors it’s nuisance phone calls all day and other distractions.

I’ve pushed myself hard this week: and again the weird sensation of being pulled along by the story. Like when you hook into a really big fish at night and it starts towing your rowboat away like the anchor wasn’t there at all. The last time we had that experience, the fish’s head finally came up out of the water and it proved to be a large shark.

I still don’t know what I’m going to see when this book’s climax comes up out of the dark water. I just pray it happens sometime in the next twenty or thirty pages of manuscript.

7 comments on “With My Last Ounce of Oomph…

  1. Blessings on your efforts. It seems there is always a race to finish things before winter knocks us out, but life goes on. We’ll be waiting for the good news.

  2. Your books are my favorite series to read, and that makes you my favorite author! Good luck on finishing “His Mercy Endureth Forever”!
    Also, thank you for my chess lessons! When I first picked up “Bell Mountain”, little did I know that the author, Lee Duigon, would be my chess teacher!

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