‘Curses, Foiled Again! No Sea Level Rise for New York, Washington, D.C.’ (2016)

Image result for images of washington dc under water

We should be so lucky…

Sometimes, as Mr. T. might say, we pity the fools in the Climbit Change crowd–none of their predictions ever come true. Like, sea levels gonna rise at New York and D.C. and we’re all gonna die, gasp-gasp! And instead the sea levels… well, they went down.


We were just watching a video about the illnesses that afflicted King Henry VIII, and how they “treated” him with highly toxic doses of mercury. Back in the 1500s, that was Settled Science. Had Loretta Lunch–er, Lynch–been Henry VIII’s attorney general (and that would’ve been a great fit!), she would have had anybody drawn and quartered for questioning the benefits of mercury.

5 comments on “‘Curses, Foiled Again! No Sea Level Rise for New York, Washington, D.C.’ (2016)

  1. If the ramifications of this weren’t so serious, the whole thing would be laughable. Sadly, a lot of people have been taken in by this fantasy.

  2. Leftists standing in their own bullsh*t will always see the sea rise, as they sink beneath the weight of their lies. “What is hidden will be exposed.”

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