‘Civility,’ Eh?

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Stalin and Mao–dead, but their evil lives on after them.

Just askin’–how come it’s okay to be a communist, but not okay to be a Nazi?

If you’ve got a Che Guevara T-shirt and a little hat with a hammer and sickle on it, you can be an esteemed professor at any looniversity in America. You can even be a member of any Democrat presidential administration. Or a U.N. honcho.

But a Nazi–that’s radioactive. And here I must add my obligatory disclaimer that I don’t approve of Nazism.

A lot of people are singing the blues for a “divided America,” polarized, nasty, and characterized by a total lack of civility. We just can’t get together anymore.

Meanwhile, Democrats, the official political party of Far Left Crazy, respond to even the most token, ineffective opposition, and even to mere dissent, by calling everyone who isn’t them a “Nazi”–or white supremacist, Hater, Biggit, Racist, etc. They’ll go even farther than that: chasing Republicans out of restaurants, surrounding dissenters’ homes to terrorize their families, donning black masks and taking to the streets to attack persons and property. Typical Bolshevik antics.

Meanwhile, they demand that we extend “civility” to them: that we play nice, and listen respectfully as they shout down our speakers and publish our home addresses on Twitter.

We think the word “civility,” when they use it, is Dem-speak for surrender. “Civility” means we let them call us Nazis, let them run rough-shod over our social institutions, force us to subscribe to ideas we don’t believe, or else, and submit to being stifled whenever they please.

So I’m not interested in restoring “civility,” as Dems define it. True civility will never be restored until today’s home-grown communists are utterly defeated, once and for all. Until each and every one of their bizarre fundamental transformation projects is permanently buried under the ashes of defeat.

Then we can all play nice together.

7 comments on “‘Civility,’ Eh?

  1. You got it right in your antepenultimate paragraph. (I’ve always wanted to use the word “antepenultimate” in public.) They don’t want civility; they want surrender. But no surrender is ever enough for them BECAUSE they don’t want civility; if you do what they want, they’ll have nothing left to make noise and break things over, nothing to preen themselves over for their superior virtue. So there will always be another grievance, another demand, another outrage that they can scream and break things over.

    1. Thanks, Erlene–I was afraid I might’ve gone a little over the top on that. But I really am cheesed off, and I guess it showed.

  2. Well put, Lee. I cheered all the way to the end!

    I think the reason “Nazi” is unacceptable is because of their overt racism of the Aryan race being superior and as a result should rule everyone else. “Communist” on the other hand is right up the Left’s alley since Karl Marx is one of their gods.

  3. I’ve lived in America for over 70 years and I’ve only ever met one real communist in person. When I was in college, I went to a party sponsored by “Friends of SNCC” – which, it appears, really was a communist front organization. I listened to his pitch for awhile…it was pretty damned delusional. On the other hand, the Russians seem to have been continuing with their efforts to sow division in America ever since. To be fair, I suspect we did the same thing to cause dissent in the Soviet Union. But then, we thought the cold war was over. But not for them.

    I am not myself a fan of communism. I think free enterprise is the right model to go with — however, that’s really not what we have currently. One teeny example — you know what’s in “air freshener”? A chemical to ruin your sense of smell, one that mucks with your hormones, and one that’s a known carcinogen. It’s called “Air Freshener.” And, while there are people who will spend their life in jail because they sold someone marijuana, the corporations can buy politicians and stay out of jail no matter what they pull…Oil Spills, Enron, Cigarette companies, Pharmacy companies, etc.

    1. Sinners sin, and help other sinners to get away with sin. People are not angels. That’s why our country’s founders thought it vital to limit the powers of government. As badly as some corporate types abuse the people, that is nothing compared to what the state can do.

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