Miracle! Everybody Lived

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Was this a miracle? I think so.

Back on July 31, Father Esequiel Sanchez was one of 103 passengers aboard a jetliner taking off from Durango, Mexico. Within moments of takeoff, a freak accident tore off the plane’s left wing and two engines. The plane was going to crash (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/priest-who-survived-major-plane-crash-credits-our-lady-of-guadalupe-13548).

Convinced he was going to be killed, or burned, or seriously injured, Father Sanchez now recalls that police and firefighters had told him “when you get into a crisis situation, your training kicks in. I think that’s what happened to me, too.”

So he prayed for God’s help, and for all his fellow passengers: “I absolve everyone on this plane, may the Lord have mercy.”

The plane crashed.

Everybody lived.

Uninjured, Father Sanchez helped emergency crews minister to those who’d been hurt. Somehow every person aboard the plane was safely evacuated before the plane burst into flames, exploded, and turned into pretty much nothing.

Talk about rising to the occasion! “I absolve everyone.” Hats off to Father Sanchez–and to the emergency workers who performed what seems, in hindsight, an incredible feat: not forgetting that the plane could have blown up while they were working on it.

But everybody lived.

To God be the glory: for He surely heard those prayers, and did something about it.

5 comments on “Miracle! Everybody Lived

  1. An amazing story. Reminds me of a Bruce Willis movie where he was the only one who survived a deadly crash, and all the guilt he felt because of it. And that reminds me of the recent blog on how the radical Left needs us to feel guilty for refusing to let go of Biblical morality – which I refuse to do.

  2. That’s quite a story. An airliner having a wing sheared off is likely to result in a lot of fuel just itching to catch fire.

    1. Usually, it happens a lot more rapidly than that. In 1976, there was a DC-9 crash at Denver Stapleton. IIRC, everybody got out ok, but then it burned and there was little left of the fuselage.

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