Our First Date

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Today is the 42nd anniversary of our first date.

We were working at the old Bayshore Independent newspaper. Patty was the bookkeeper, I was managing editor. We went to dinner at The Islanders in Matawan, a super-nice Chinese restaurant; and they treated us like royalty, the proprietor being very happy with the restaurant review I wrote a few weeks before (thank you, Steve Wong, wherever you are). No, we didn’t have a spread quite like in the photo: there were only two of us. But we had the best.

Then we went to a movie, The Voyage of the Damned, and afterward to my softball team’s hangout, Sam’s Bar & Grill. Somewhere along the way, Patty mentioned the ancient Medes’ capital city, Ecbatana. That’s when I knew I was in love. You can’t easily find a woman who knows about Ecbatana.

All of these places that I’ve mentioned are now one with Ecbatana, but we’re still together. And tonight we hope to take a leisurely spin around town to admire everybody’s Christmas lights.

11 comments on “Our First Date

  1. Wonderful. I am praying for both of you and your cat. I pray you will have a wonderful time with your memories and each others’ company.

  2. 42 years together is something to be proud of. May the next 42 be even better.

    BTW, comments disabled on Back to the Vet.

    1. Drat! I’ve fixed it. I really wanted to see your comments on Robbie’s cough.Man, if that asthma has come back for no reason–!

    1. I never had any Chinese food until I reviewed The Islanders, and I happened to show up there when they were still preparing for their grand opening and the staff were having lunch. It’s hard for me to try new foods–but this stuff was just so great, I couldn’t get enough!

  3. Appropriate the word “Ecbatana” was the key to true love since it means “the place of gathering,” and in this case the gathering was at The Islanders in Matawan. Congrats Lee & Patty!

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