‘School Makes 3-Year-Olds Sign Pledge Not to Use “Transphobic” Language’ (2015)

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Wait’ll he’s 25 and finds out what he “signed” when he was three years old…

I’m surprised this fad has not yet swept through America’s public schools. Maybe our “educators” simply missed it.

As usual, Britain, the Mother Country, leads the way to idiotic madness–making toddlers sign–sign? did he say “sign”? Yeah, ‘fraid so–pledges not to use “transphobic language”, like, ever.


Of course it’s more than just madness. It’s distilled evil.

And if we don’t put a stop to it, God will.

12 comments on “‘School Makes 3-Year-Olds Sign Pledge Not to Use “Transphobic” Language’ (2015)

  1. It seems that the world is almost daring God to send judgement. Well, they are going to regret it big time, but you can’t tell them anything.

  2. I think you are onto something here, Lee. It probably looks like an insane asylum because the inmates have taken over and declared themselves to be teachers. 🙂

  3. Look on the bright side — at least these 3-year-olds have been taught how to write. I don’t think American kids of that age would be able to do it, especially in cursive; in fact, they can’t even read at 3 years old. Come to think of it, many of them still can’t read at 18 years old.

    We get closer to Huxley’s “Brave New World” every day. (“I’m so glad I’m a Beta. I wouldn’t want to be one of those Alphas because they have to work so hard, and those Gammas are so stupid….”)

    1. Likewise. I believe we are in the culmination of the Last Days. If not, I can’t imagine what life would be like in another generation.

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