A Dynamic of History: the Devourer

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Genghis Khan’s piece of the world

The outward appearance of the world is always changing, but the dynamics of history never change.

One of those dynamics is this: there’s always somebody who wants to rule the world, a devourer of nations.

Pyrrhus wanted to conquer all the countries around the Mediterranean. He couldn’t have told you why. A woman killed him with a piece of a millstone: just like what happened to Ahimelech in Judges 9:53.

Alexander the Great conquered nations because he thought he was a god. Julius Caesar and his successors trampled other nations as their way of getting ahead in Roman politics.

Genghis Khan grabbed more of the earth’s surface than anyone; and God alone knows why.

Adolph Hitler tried to engulf Europe. His own ambition killed him.

Today there is no individual, no single nation, that’s out to conquer the world. But the dynamic of history remains. The new devourers of nations are globalists, consortia, an international gaggle of self-anointed big shots. Instead of Roman legions, they’ve got legions of lawyers. Instead of Panzer divisions, they’ve got waves and waves of “migrants.”

But it’s the same old thing, a yen to rule the world. The methodology has changed, but the motivation stays the same. Control everything and be as gods.

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall have them in derision… (Psalm 2: 4)

When He stops laughing, then they will learn who is God and who is not.

7 comments on “A Dynamic of History: the Devourer

  1. Good points. What we are seeing today is part of an age old, much greater struggle with its roots in Eden.

  2. Fun fact, the Moguls almost wiped out Islam. They made the Crusades look like a walk in the park by comparison.

    1. It was a huge historic event, yet little about it ever appeared in my public school education.

  3. Today’s version of communist China is trying to control the world. They have 2050 plans. One tactic is to move into nations that are foundering and prop them up – an new kind of colonization (especially in Africa). If we really knew the extent Chins has inserted itself in America’s very infrastructure we would be blown away. Do you know how much of Hollywood is owned by China? Do you know how many colleges and universities have departments controlled by China? Neither do I, but I do know they want to control the world because atheists have to become their own gods.

    1. Someday they’ll be very sorry that they own those things, and even sorrier when they find they can’t give them away.

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