Students Raise Over $400,000 to Translate Bible into Sign Languages

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(Thanks to Susan for the news tip)

Most of the nooze lately is Democrat douchebags making Congress look like a halfway house for the halfway gone. Here’s a story that most of us didn’t hear this weekend.

Over 40,000 students, attending the “Passion 2019” Conference in Dallas, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C., raised almost $450,000 to translate the Bible into unique sign languages ( The translations will be done by local experts in Africa, Asia, and other areas where deaf people have not yet had access to the Bible.

Look at it this way: that’s 40,000 young people who have not bent the knee to Baal. And that’s just the ones who knew about the conference and were able to attend it.

We are not alone.

5 comments on “Students Raise Over $400,000 to Translate Bible into Sign Languages

  1. Christ told Abraham that if there were just 10 righteous people in Sodom & Gomorrah He wouldn’t destroy it. Looks like America has way more than 10 :).

    What does a sign language Bible look like – a bunch of pictorial hand signs I would guess.

    1. I really don’t know. Can’t figure it out. It says they’ll need people who speak the local languages. So I would guess that each of those languages must have its own sign language.

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