A Fuzzy Shoulder to Cry On

Cats excel at comforting crying babies–who knew? Some of the kids in this video are a little old to be sitting around crying, but cats comfort them, too. A few of these cats can even turn crying into laughing.

Better than Play-Doh!

3 comments on “A Fuzzy Shoulder to Cry On

  1. I especially liked that still shot, at the end of the video.

    Having my cat cuddle up beside me is one of my favorite things. Maybe it works that way with babies, too.

  2. How incredibly sweet! We are all animal lovers in our family! My mom loved all animals, but she was especially fond of cats. They really are very special animals. They are independent and prefer to have things their way, yet they are very protective, loving and comforting. I wish I weren’t so highly allergic to them. I love to cuddle up with kitties 🙂

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