An Extinct Zebra: the Quagga

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Jambo, Mr. Nature here–and today our safari takes us back to South Africa in the 19th century.

Once upon a time there was a zebra there called the quagga, more horse-like than other zebras, with tasty meat and a temperament that was thought to be amenable to domestication. But the last wild quagga was shot in 1878, and all we have left are a few taxidermy specimens and even fewer photographs.

Like the passenger pigeon, the dodo, and more other animals than I like to think about, the quagga was killed off by humans. Today there is a Quagga Project trying to breed them back via closely related living zebras, but it hasn’t been successful yet. There are still things about the quagga’s genetics that remain unknown.

To me all zebras are beautiful, and the quagga was no exception. It’s a shame that we don’t have them with us anymore–and it’s our fault.

God has promised that He will restore His creation. I trust the quagga will be restored to its rightful place in that creation. And I trust the Lord will make us better and wiser and kindlier than we’ve been so far.

2 comments on “An Extinct Zebra: the Quagga

  1. Jesus promised us He is coming back, and He has promised us a new heavens and earth in which dwells righteousness. Eye hath not seen, nor ear hears, not has it entered into the mind of man the things God has planned for those who love Him.

  2. Indeed, it will be better than anything we can imagine when the earth is restored. Sometimes I contemplate the bad things that happen in this fallen earth, and I find myself holding back tears.

    He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. Rev 21-4

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